Lounge Cafe


Lounge cafe / ラウンジカフェ

Cafe information / カフェについて

Hostel JIN is reopening the cafe on the ground floor.
Opening on every Thursday at 7:00 ~ 10:00.
The cafe is open for only the guests for now, so we the visitors cannot use the . NO SMOKING.
We will make the bar specially women / non smoker / non Japanese friendly.
Please enjoy meeting up with new faces and have a good time at Hostel JIN.

Hostel JINは毎週木曜日の朝7:00~10:00に、1Fラウンジカフェを再開します。
新たな人々との出会いを通じて、Hostel JINでのひと時をお楽しみください。

Opening hour / 営業時間

Every Thursday - 7:00~10:00
毎週木曜日 - 7:00~10:00

Menu / メニュー

Please check the menu via the following button.

Notes / ご留意事項